Tuesday, January 31, 2012

5 Happy Monday Things > Terrible Tuesday

As per my title, my Tuesday was not that good. I think I want to block it out of my head (just a bunch of stuff at school...kiddies are tiring). Moving on to 5 Happy Monday Things:

1. Hanging out with my sister
I just wanna be back at the beach.

2. Watching Friends with Benefits - Round 2

3. I made tofu ice cream!

4. Going to bed at a decent hour, sandwiched between the boy and dog.

5. Making up a dream life.

How I made my yummy chocolate tofu ice cream:
In a blender, I blended:
  • A pack of silken tofu
  • 4 tablespoons of unsweetened chocolate powder
  • 2 spoonfuls of organic peanut butter
  • 12 packets of Splenda
  • a splash of soy milk
  • a handful of chocolate chips
After I blended it, I put it in the freezer and stirred every hour or so. I ate a bit before bed. It was good! Even Josh liked it. Tofu "ice cream" may be my new favorite thing.

I have a ton of stuff to do for school (plans, awards, emails, etc) and Josh and I may go to the grocery store tonight, so I need to get working. We'll see if I can squeeze in a quick run. I've only been home for an hour and have eaten, blogged, and relaxed a tiny bit. Again, long day. Hope you had a better Tuesday than me!

Monday, January 30, 2012

not a terrible Monday

Last night I finished my report cards at a decent hour, showered, made a quick dinner of a Boca Burger and salad, and finished lesson plans. Then we watched Friends with Benefits. I don't know why, but I really love this movie. It's funny and lighthearted, I had a major crush on JT growing up, and I'm obsessed with Mila.

Today wasn't a terrible Monday. My kids were pretty well behaved, and I got a lot accomplished. Plus my report cards were checked by the Vice Principal and she said I did a great job.

My little sister is coming over any minute to possibly do yoga with me and just hang out...maybe have dinner and watch a movie. I haven't seen her in a few weeks, so I'm pretty excited to have some sister bonding time. We don't often get that.

Better go do the dishes and make the kitchen a little clean. I always want to make either croutons or chocolate tofu ice cream tonight - or both! Hopefully I'll be back tonight before bed with 5 Happy Monday Things.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

report cards and ballin'

Besides dreaming about the lottery and waking up to realize I wasn't a millionaire, I had a pretty good and restful sleep. I did wake up at around 5:30 and lay awake for a bit, but I fell back to sleep until about 7:30. Then I laid in bed and played on my phone until Josh woke up at around 8:30. This seems pretty standard for my Sunday mornings. The entire rest of my morning was this:

Joshua went out to get us Caribou Coffee while I plugged through report cards (have I mentioned how awesome he is?). I worked for a good 2+ hours, only pausing to quickly make a whole wheat English Muffin for breakfast, and got a little over halfway through. Report cards are awful.

We took a break and went over to my mom's house because Josh was itching to play basketball. I shot around with him for a bit and then we did a mini scrimmage and I whooped Josh. Well, it was 11-8 and I might have been getting lucky and Josh might have not been actually trying :) We brought Pepper with us to play with our dogs, and then we took her on a 2 mile run in my parent's neighborhood. I was going very slowly and I could feel I was dragging. My legs are hating me from yesterday. Tomorrow might have to be a rest day from running. I can barely walk up and down stairs.

We came home and were both really hungry. Josh's wings are currently still cooking, and I tried this new tofu stuff that I took from my mom - it's like a pasta substitute.

I boiled it for about 3 minutes and then put some organic pasta sauce on it. The "noodles" themselves were pretty tasteless, but it wasn't bad. I think it's a good, healthier substitute for pasta. Taste wise, it might be disappointing if you're a big pasta fan, but if you're open minded about healthy substitutions, I think it's good! I definitely think I'll be picking some packs up at the grocery store next time we go. It was quick and easy, so you really can't beat that most nights.

I also had a salad. Now I'm dreading getting back into report cards. I have like 8 left, but I just don't want to do it. I was more motivated this morning than I am now. Josh and I decided we're gonna have dinner and watch a movie tonight to "celebrate" me finishing these report cards. I looked on redbox and the only movie I REALLY want to see is 50/50, but if we don't want to go out to get a movie, we might just watch Friends with Benefits, which Josh got me for Christmas. I think it's a cute movie. Luckily I had my observation last week (still waiting to see how it went), so I don't have to stress as much about my week of teaching and I can relax a bit after I finish the report cards.

Back to work. Here's an awkward and dorky (AKA normal) picture of me after yesterday's run :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

6 miles to exhaustion

We did it! We ran 6 miles. We took 2 quick water breaks during the run. I won't lie, it was hard, but I felt pretty good during and afterwards. Plus, I even found a lucky penny.

After we ran, we stopped to get gas and then I ate 2 veggie hot dogs and 2 bowls of salad because I was so hungry. But then my stomach started feeling weird. I drank a glass of Gatorade and more water as per my mom's suggestion and laid in bed for a bit, and then felt much better.

We picked Skylar up (because she was supposed to spend the night at my mom's but we ended up taking her back home - she missed her mommy too much, ha) and went to my mom's for dinner. We had some pasta stuff with yummy tofu spinach balls. I ate a ton of it and also had 2 glasses of wine. Josh and I started to fall asleep on the couch there, so we headed home.

I'm laying in bed right now, exhausted. The 6 miles has not helped my up since 8 am energy factor either. Life these days is early to bed, early to rise. I'm a grandma. I guess it's good though since we have a lot to do tomorrow...still including my 21 report cards. Hopefully I'm not too sore either because I want to do a short run. Cannot keep my eyes open. Goodnight!


I haven't blogged in a few days for a mixture of reasons. So, for those few that actually read this, sorry. I know it was a long 3 days ;)

On Wednesday we went to my mom's for dinner. I ran a mile and Josh and I did ab ripper X. We had some balsamic tofu (delicious), some broccoli salad (more delicious), and some spinach stuff that I didn't like, but Josh loved. Go figure. Also hung out with some cuties.

"make me golden"

Thursday was....awful? I just had a really bad, hard day at school. I came home feeling discouraged, stressed, tired, sick, etc. I laid on the couch and couldn't do anything. The greatest boyfriend in the world came home from work with this:

I finally turned on the TV and watched UNC smash NC State in basketball, which helped. And my amazing friends gave me pep talks and I made plans for the future. By the time I fell asleep on the couch at 9:30, I was in a better mood.

Friday was a completely better day at work than Thursday, thank goodness.
My kids were very excited about finding a rainbow on the blacktop at recess.

A student drew me a picture of her and myself :)

Last night I was laying on the couch, waiting for Josh to finishing running on the treadmill so I could do a quick 2 miles, and I fell asleep. At  7pm. It's a new record! I did wake up around 9:30 and apologized to Josh for being such an awesome girlfriend. Then we watched the American Idol I recorded from last night. At 10:30, Josh said he was tired and I didn't complain about going to bed.

Now we're watching sportscenter. I had an english muffin with PB&J and Morning Star "sausage" for breakfast, with some pumpkin spice coffee.

We have about a million things to do today, one of which includes me attempting to run at least 6 miles. We'll see how that goes. We're gonna go this afternoon when the temperature gets a little warmer. For now we have LOTS of cleaning to do. And I have 21 report cards that are due on Monday. I just LOVE having work to do for work on the weekends! :)

Be back this afternoon. Happy Saturday!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

think happy thoughts

I am in bed about to attempt sleep. I'm getting more and more nervous for my observation tomorrow and just want it to be done with. Our refrigerator also started acting up just now (big light went off inside and it smells weird, but the little lights are still on)...the last thing I need is for our refrigerator to stop working and all of the food we JUST bought at the store to go bad. Luckily we have a fridge in the garage if worse comes to worse.

Dinner tonight was Black Bean Lettuce Bundles that I made in about 15 minutes after I ran 2 miles on the treadmill. Josh went out for a run with Pepper and came back almost 5 miles later. Show off. I will post the recipe later this week.

I promise this slop tastes better than it looks, however it is almost impossible to eat without getting messy and/or needing a fork to get parts that fall from the lettuce. Josh really likes these, so that's a good thing.

Tomorrow after school/work, we're going to my parent's to work out and get a free meal. Plus I get to hang out with my cutie nieces and nephews. And at that point tomorrow I'll be way less stressed, provided our fridge isn't dead. Nighty night.

is it Friday yet?

Back to school with the kiddies was a crazy day, but nothing awful. Oh, except for the fact that I found out I am for sure getting observed tomorrow in the exact same thing I got observed in a few months ago. I also hadn't planned for this part of my day due to assessments, so I was trying frantically to get things together today that I could review tonight. I'm getting observed during guided reading/literacy centers. I kind of don't like this because I want administration (observers) to see me go from whole group teaching into centers/group work - I put a lot of planning into my whole group lessons because I just got a smart board (interactive white board) this year, and I really want people to observe that aspect. Plus, you never know what will happen with 5 year olds during literacy centers (i.e. arguing, off task, etc.) I will also be watched closely with my small groups I'll be pulling to work with me; however, due to assessments, I haven't pulled small groups in a few weeks, so I'm worried my kids will need an adjustment period to get back into this routine - but they don't have one, and I am getting observed on it. Kindergarten is so unpredictable, so I guess I'll just have to hope and pray for the best it can possibly be!

Enough teacher ranting. I proved a theory this afternoon. I have heard or read many times "A body at rest stays at rest. A body in motion stays in motion." When I got home, I was starving and ate everything in the kitchen. Kidding, but I had quite a large snack of misc. things. All I wanted to do was sit and relax. Josh and I planned to go run after he gets home in a bit, but I didn't even want to do that. I decided to change out of my work clothes and start vacuuming pine needles from the tree removal.

a mess!

This was all over the living room floor and the stairs and the doorway. I told myself I'd just vacuum a bit in the living room, but once I started, I vacuumed most of this corner, all of the living room, the stairs, and the doorway. Then I went in the kitchen and loaded all the dirty dishes into the sink. And now I'm looking forward to a run. I guess I proved to myself that I just have to get going. Most of the time, this is easier said than done.

After we run (hopefully on the track at the Y), I am going to come home to fix dinner and review my lessons for my observation tomorrow. Then I may work on some report cards if I'm feeling ambitious.

I'll try to be back tonight to share a (hopefully) good dinner recipe!

Monday, January 23, 2012

5 Happy Monday Things

Thanks to my wonderful friend Meg, I realized I needed to post my 5 Happy Monday things. Maybe this will brighten my mood as I snuggle into bed and try to get some good sleep before I want to throw my alarm at the wall tomorrow morning.

1. My friends who always make me happy and keep me sane, no matter how far away.

Meg - I miss you so much! and did I mention I also miss college? :)

2. Josh and I planning/dreaming of our our restaurant/bar we would open if we ever came into money.

3. I walked upstairs after Josh had disappeared for a while and he was laying on the bed. I asked him what he was doing. He said he came upstairs to change out of his work clothes and "accidentally" fell onto the bed and Pepper jumped up and laid with him. So I laid down and the 3 of us just laid in silence for about 10 minutes. It was nice and peaceful.

4. Productivity.

5. American Idol relaxation. Jim Carrey's daughter tried out (on last night's episode) - she was pretty good!

For dinner, we had left over tofu steak and gorgonzola bean loaf that my mom gave us last night.

My mom and I were just talking this weekend about how I used to put ketchup on literally everything I ate. I still love it.

Josh and I liked both of these things and I want to try to make them myself sometime in the near future. I also want to make a recipe page on the blog so I can share the things I attempt to make. I promise this stuff tastes better than it looks. Especially with lots of low sodium ketchup :)

I think I am getting observed sometime this week, so I need to get some sleep to be functioning tomorrow, as well as having enough energy to run and fix dinner when I get home from work. Pep jumped up and cuddled beside me as soon as I got into bed, so I'm gonna join her. Goodnight!

rain rain, go away

I woke up this morning and did not want to get out of bed, especially when I heard it raining. I finally rolled out at bed at 10 til 7 and thought to myself how much I'd like to wake up at this time everyday. I was pretty wide awake, but as the day drug on, I have become more and more tired.

We had a short presentation this morning, and then did a Poverty Simulation in the gym. It was actually pretty cool. We got into different families and had to each play a role. I was a 14 year old who lived with my mom (played by our computer teacher) and my 17 year old drop out drug dealing brother (played by my team member). We had to survive a month based on our situation - ours was that none of us had jobs, we had $10, and some possessions we could pawn off. I had to go to "school" and my "mom" and "brother" had to get jobs, pawn items, get food stamps, and pay all the bills. It lasted an hour and each 15 minutes was a week which = a month. I spent most of my time in "school" where most of us were disruptive and didn't care, and then sat at "home". In school, we took a "test" which had questions about poverty statistics. It was eye opening to see how hard it is for some people to get by day to day, and it made me feel extremely blessed and fortunate.

We had a lunch break, and my friend and I brought our lunch so we ate in her classroom, then worked on lesson plans. I had a typical lunch: salad and strawberries + a few animal crackers from my classroom.

After the afternoon activities I worked in my room a bit. I had to take ibuprofen earlier in the day because I had a headache and on the way home I was feeling it again. I don't know what's up with me. I've been groggy all day. Maybe it's the yucky weather. Whatever it is, I am going to bed early.

My to-do list kept getting long and longer at school. I also am going to be observed this week or next week (I am hoping this week so I can get it over with) and report cards are due in like a week, so I'm stressed to the max.

What must be done tonight:

  • Take Christmas tree to curb and vacuum living room
  • Put away Christmas decorations to store
  • Finalize lesson plans for the week
  • Find something for my bulletin board in my classroom to hang up tomorrow
  • Load dishwasher
  • Make dinner
  • American Idol ;)
I haven't decided if I am going to run. I am going to see if I can get some energy and do a short one at the very least. I will try to be back with a dinner post!

Our Christmas tree in all its glory. I miss the holidays.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

weekend end

I'm always so sad when Sundays are over. I think about everything I didn't do during the weekend, all the fun things I did do, and how I have to endure 5 days until the next one. Although my job is challenging, at least I have some cute kids to help Monday-Friday go by. Still at that, the weekend never comes back fast enough.

Tomorrow is a teacher workday, so I stayed up to watch the end of the NFL football game and am blogging in bed before I go to sleep. American Idol is on, but I'm DVRing it because I'm tired and need to get some sleep. Our teacher workday is actually a Common Core training day (our new standard course of study), so I'll be sitting through a presentation all day. However, I think they're trying to make it shorter to let us have time in our classroom. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

After we stocked up at Sam's this afternoon, we came home and promptly fell asleep for over an hour. I guess we were both pretty tired. When we woke up, we finished some stuff around the house and watched football. After the first game, we went to the grocery store for the rest of what we needed for the week and picked up my car from my mom's house. I came home and made some peanut butter oat bars and then ran.

I felt really good on this run, but stopped because I started to get a cramp.

After my run, the peanut butter bars were ready to come out of the oven.
post run grossness + awkward smile + Pepper licking sweat off my legs (she always does this, weirdo)

Josh was hard boiling a dozen eggs while I was baking/running
cool egg eating face

The bars were really good. I cut them up for us to have for breakfast/snacks this week. This might become a Sunday tradition. They will also definitely be featured in our future Eat to Live restaurant that I wish could happen some day.

Cinnamon Banana Oat Bars
I mashed 2 bananas in a bowl, and then stirred in 2 cups of oats, 1/2 a cup of raisins, 1/4 cup of walnuts, 1/4 cup of applesauce, and more cinnamon than was probably needed :)
I baked them in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes and they were done!
It was super easy to make and they taste really good. I'm excited to play around with them and make different variations as well.

Now it is time for me to try and get some sleep. I still have to wake up early to be at school by 8 for the start of my training day. At least it's a 4 day kid week!

Sunday Funday

While Josh went to ball it up with some of his coworker's friends yesterday afternoon, I went to my parent's to run on the treadmill, as it was a gross rainy day outside.

I was proud of this run. Longest I've done in forever. I did take a 3 min walking break halfway through (and paused my workout on my iPod), but I powered through and felt good! I love the feeling after a good run that you didn't think you could do. After I ran, I talked to my sister on the phone and she seems pretty set on doing the half marathon in February. She also wants to run a 10K race in like 3 weeks (as part of our training), so I have to see if I can find one close by. Josh and I were also looking up half marathons we could do this year and my dad wants to do some 5Ks. I am glad I have so many people around me who like to run!

After I ran, I hung out/talked with mom and she made dinner. Josh met me over at my parent's and we had tofu steak. It was pretty good! Especially with some ketchup. Josh even liked it too. My mom also made some chocolate tofu ice cream, which sounds gross, but I actually liked it. I want to make some of my own. It's very chocolate-y tasting, I promise.

After we visited a little more and talked to mom about her dreams to open an Eat to Live restaurant, we came home. We were going to go to my sister's, but my niece has strep throat and I didn't want to be exposed to her any more than I already have been (when I didn't know she had it). We were both also tired. I showered, we watched TV and I fell asleep on the couch yet again, but I almost made it to 11pm! ;)

I woke up at the crack of dawn and laid in bed for an hour playing on my phone. Then I got up and did a little of this:

Then I did tons of laundry, dishes, and took down lots of Christmas stuff (finally) before I made breakfast: a Morning Star veggie sausage, and a whole wheat English Muffin with jelly and peanut butter.

We just finished un-decorating the tree and now we're gonna go meet my mom at Sam's Club to stock up on lots of food for cheap. We also plan on going on a 3 mile run outside, even though it is very cold. Lots more to do today, at least it's only noon. Have a fun Sunday!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

our weekend getaway

Finally, my Disney weekend recap :)

We got up a week ago today at about 3:15am (it would have helped if I would have gone to bed as early as I did last night - 8:30pm. cool life, I know). We got the dog taken care of and packed up the car. We were on the road by 3:45 in the morning. I slept for 2 hours and we stopped for gas/coffee. I took over driving and we were back on the road at 6:00 while Josh slept.

I entertained myself by taking sneaky pictures of the sleeping beauty.

We stopped around 8:30 for more gas and food, and Josh drove the rest of the way. We arrived around noon to a beautiful Disney resort. Our room overlooked downtown Disney outside, and we walked around in the beautiful weather.

Josh's parents showed us the resort and we went and got free cookies, then went in some gift shops. In true fashion of vacation, Josh walked around with a beer in his Tervis Tumbler.
having a magical day

We headed back to the room and had some homemade hummus and pesto, then played some board games with Josh's parents. It was a perfect afternoon. For dinner, we went to the resort we are supposed to be staying at when we do the Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon (which my sister said she started training for, so as of right now I think we're doing it!) in February. It has a really cool pool that has sand and a huge pirate ship slide.

We had lunch at one of Josh's favorite seafood buffets and it was SO good. We shared so much food. First I had a really delicious salad and some crab legs. I also tried some of Josh's mussels and oysters, each of which I've never had before. I liked the mussels better.

There was even a huge selection of dessert. Josh and I shared Oreo and Cheesecake Bon-Bons, plus a huge sugar cookie with Mickey Mouse sprinkles :)

I was stuffed! But it was worth it. After dinner, Josh's sister and her boyfriend came over to our resort and we played my favorite game - Scattergories, while watching Josh's precious Tebow lose. Josh and I passed out at 11:30 when everyone else finally went to bed.

The next morning we woke up and had a nice breakfast, then Josh and I ran about 1/2 a mile to the resort's gym. I biked for a while and then did some ab work stuff. I never wanted to leave the nice gym - there was basically no one there!

This also made me miss my daily gym sessions in college with all the awesome equipment available for free. We ran back to the resort and showered to get ready for lunch. We met up with our friends for sushi. It was fun and the food was good! After hanging out at their apartment for a while after, we went back to the resort and had dinner at Chili's. I got a big salad and we watched football. Finally, it was time for a reunion night with all my favorite Florida people.

I wish this wasn't so blurry.

I never wanted the night to end.
Shelby, cutest pup ever.

The next morning, I woke up sad and a bit under the weather ;) We went to Five Guys with Josh's parents. I got veggies on a bun, which I ate like half of, and then devoured some greasy fries. We left around 12:30 and made the long trek home. We came home to a clean condo, thanks to my sister, but still sad the weekend was over. I had so much fun and I can't wait to visit Florida again in February, even if I do have to run 13.1 miles!

Yesterday, my mom took my niece and nephew back up to meet my brother between here and New Jersey because it is supposed to snow there today. I was sad because I didn't get to say goodbye to the kiddies. My mom had to stop at a hotel last night on the way home because of snow. She is on the way home right now. We still went over for dinner at my parent's to eat with my dad, sister, and her family because my mom had made meatless lasagna for us before she left (she is a saint). It was good and I came home and fell asleep on the couch at 8:30. I bet Josh loves dating me, especially on Friday nights. I'm so much fun.

Today we have lots of things to do, one of which includes finally taking down Christmas stuff/our tree. I also need to do a longer run (of course it's raining all day) and want to do some yoga. We'll see. Josh and I are about to head to Target soon I believe. I've been up forever, so I guess it is time to finally start something productive!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

did I even go to Disney?

I know I have been talking about my exciting trip all week and how I want to do a post about it so I can remember everything, but I just don't think that is going to happen tonight. It is almost 10:00 and I am beat. However, I can quickly talk about my exciting day! (sarcasm)

Last night, I was falling asleep while watching American Idol, so I went to bed directly after. I think the first girl last night and the last girl tonight are my favorites so far. One guy I really liked last year is back on and made it. There's also 2 other unique guys I saw and liked. I'm sure I'll remember them in the Hollywood rounds. Why do I enjoy you so much American Idol? I wish I could sing.

Here's dinner from last night:
I marinated salmon in sodium free soy sauce and the salad was shredded lettuce with my first home made dressing (thanks to mom)

School today was the long day with no breaks, besides lunch. It was a typical day though. Right before I was leaving school, my mom texted me and asked me to bring milkshakes to my sister's for all the kids - one of my nieces has a sore throat and wanted one. So I stopped by McDonalds for the kiddies and went to see them. Poor Skylar definitely had a fever. She was so hot, but kept wrapping up and her eyes were so tired and red. She looked pathetic. I let her sit in my lap for a while and then the girls wanted to take a bath. I was monitoring them when I came across Sky's toothbrush - a Justin Bieber toothbrush that sings 2 different songs, one for both day and night. No joke.

For dinner tonight we had tempeh - it was really good! We marinated it in BBQ sauce and some onion and then cooked in in the oven for 30 min. While dinner was cooking, I ran 2 miles and Josh and I did Ab Ripper X again. Then we ate while watching Idol, of course.

tempeh is a new favorite!

Since I am falling asleep, I will have to save the Disney post for the weekend. Tomorrow after school, I am going over to my parent's to have dinner and spend one last night with my niece and nephew before they return to New Jersey on Saturday. They were barely here a week and I already miss them! My brother's family used to live in Charlotte before they had to move this past summer, so needless to say it is weird without them since my family has always done everything together. Anyway, I'm going to enjoy the time with them that I have! time to pass out.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

a blah day

Today was one of those days where I just didn't feel much like doing anything. Some of my kiddies were a little challenging which didn't help, but maybe tomorrow will be better.

I also feel like all I've done today is eat!
I had an English Muffin with organic peanut butter for breakfast, a salad and strawberries for "lunch" (my lunch time is at 10:00) and then during my 90 minute planning block, my team was awarded with a lunch for having the most participants in our Holiday Party back in December. They brought us pizza, salad, cookies, and a coworker baked cupcakes. I had a slice of cheese (these things were enormous!), in which I pulled a lot of the cheese off cause I'm not a huge cheese fan, and a plate of the salad. Then I had about 3/4 of a cupcake (I was stuffed at this point). I don't normally love cupcakes, but everyone was raving about them and I had to try it. They were right - it was really good! I think some people may beat themselves up over things they eat, but I like to enjoy things that come my way because we only live once. Eat to live is about eating right 90% of the time and enjoying "unhealthy" foods the other 10% anyway ;)

We had a super long staff meeting after school (which was actually kind of interesting - it was about Brain Gym which is a study about movement in the classroom) and when I got home I had some hummus and half a tortilla because I was already hungry again. I have been hungry all day for some reason.

Right now there are some salmon marinating in the refrigerator that Josh's parents gave us. I am also making a salad for dinner that we had at my parent's last night and Josh and I both loved. I'm waiting for Josh to get home, and then I am going to try to convince myself to run/walk. I am just not feeling up to it today, but we will see.

I'll be back tonight, most likely while watching American Idol, to post about my wonderful trip.

The first episodes are my favorite :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Busy "Monday"

I am currently laying in bed, way past my bed time, and this is the first relaxed, free moment I've had to myself since I woke up.

After work, I babysat all 5 of my nieces and nephews while my mom went to the grocery store. Then I met Josh at my parent's. We worked out before dinner. I did a shake weight video, ran a quick 1.25 miles and we did ab ripper X. After dinner, we had to go to the grocery store, then made lunches for tomorrow, showered and now I'm finally in bed. I'll do a trip recap when I have more time tomorrow. Time to fall asleep listening to the rain.

Florida, I miss you.

Monday, January 16, 2012

on the road again

Josh and I are currently on the road back to Charlotte. So depressed. We packed in so much stuff the 2 days we were here but it went by so quickly, like I knew it would. I lived it up this weekend and I am glad we had this mini vacation. Reality is slowly starting to hit and I don't like it. Since I probably won't blog tonight since we'll be getting home so late, I'll leave this post up to the pictures.