life has been so busy lately. ever since spring break has ended, I haven't felt like I've had a free moment. I hope to be able to blog again some day. so much is going on! we didn't get the house, but I have faith a better one is coming our way. I also hope to update my photo-a-day page sometime in the near future. time for some sleep. another busy day tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
float on
It's been a good Saturday so far. We laid in bed watching DIY for a few hours, and then finally got up to head to Wal-Mart. Got a few things (new candles!) and browsed the outdoor area, picking out furniture, plants, flowers, and decor we'd get if we had a house. I have been cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry and I found my new favorite Pandora station - Fun. Radio.
The past few days have been a whirlwind. After I last wrote, we went house hunting. We drove to a few places and when we got home that afternoon (after almost taking a tour of a house we sort of liked but was a little pricey) we actually figured out how this program I get through teaching works. We hadn't really been looking at the houses we could afford! We found one we loved, drove by it, called, and set up a showing for the next day (yesterday). Dad and Laura accompanied us. We fell in love. Therefore, yesterday, I saw a house, got pre qualified for a loan, filled out paper work, and placed a bid/entered the lottery for the house. It still hasn't sunk in - everything happened so fast. We find out on Monday if we won, but if everything works out and we get lucky, this could be our backyard someday in the near future:
The past few days have been a whirlwind. After I last wrote, we went house hunting. We drove to a few places and when we got home that afternoon (after almost taking a tour of a house we sort of liked but was a little pricey) we actually figured out how this program I get through teaching works. We hadn't really been looking at the houses we could afford! We found one we loved, drove by it, called, and set up a showing for the next day (yesterday). Dad and Laura accompanied us. We fell in love. Therefore, yesterday, I saw a house, got pre qualified for a loan, filled out paper work, and placed a bid/entered the lottery for the house. It still hasn't sunk in - everything happened so fast. We find out on Monday if we won, but if everything works out and we get lucky, this could be our backyard someday in the near future:
I am beyond excited for the possibility. I am trying not to get too excited because there is a good chance we won't get it. I am trying to tell myself that more houses will come along and if we don't get it, it isn't meant to be. Regardless, Josh and I have had fun talking about it and planning. We went out to dinner last night to take advantage of Bonefish happy hour and "celebrate" bidding on a house.
$5 drinks, $5 appetizers, and classy PBR in a glass.
It was a nice date night. I can't believe spring break is almost over. I am so sad. It is going to be really hard to go back to reality. Just have to make it through another 45 days of school, that can't be too hard. Then hopefully I'll have an exciting summer of moving into a new house :)
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Yesterday was a good day. I got a lot of stuff done in the morning and then Josh came home from work. He changed and we headed out to lunch to celebrate our mini vacation together.

Who doesn't drink beer with lunch on a Wednesday? And why can't every lunch be like this? I got a delicious citrus salad and Josh got some beef tacos. I stole some of his rice and beans and had a bite of a taco. I am not a huge beef fan, but they were pretty good because they had BBQ sauce. My salad was wonderful. I need to figure out how to recreate it.
Josh made Pepper a vet appointment while I drank beer ;)
It was a perfect lunch.
After lunch picked Pepper up and went to explore the dog park near our condo. It was huge! We decided to take advantage of it in the near future as much as possible. Pepper is so hyper, but at the dog park all she wants to do is sniff around even when we try to throw balls and stuff to her. Weirdo dog. She did try to play with some of the other dogs though. She was in heaven.
After the dog park, Josh gave Pep a bath and then we headed to the vet. Pepper was psycho at the vet. She whined, jumped, and tried to sniff everything. We had to sit there and try to hold her/calm her down while waiting for like 15 minutes which was near impossible. The vet was really nice and told us pretty much what we already knew, that she had bad allergies. We got a prescription for more medicine and she said to try other combos like Benadryl when we ween her off the prescription. She also said that we probably need to look into allergy testing in the near future. This is pretty expensive, but then we would know exactly what her allergy was and would get allergy injections. It just makes sense to do since the vet said she'd probably be battling allergies for the rest of her life. At least we have things to combat her bad allergies for now.
We headed to my mom's for dinner after the vet. Mom made veggie burgers for those who don't eat meat and chicken with salsa and cheese in the crock pot for everyone else. She also steamed broccoli. It was a nice home cooked meal.
Skylar is obsessed with Draw Something on the iPad while Kylan really wanted milk.

After we left my parent's, we got home and promptly passed out just after 8pm. We are too cool.
Currently, Josh and I are at Caribou since we woke up at 7:00am (weirdest thing, the same number from Jamaica - at least that's what my iphone said - called me in the middle of the night at 1:45 and 2:30. it was so weird.) We are going to look online for houses and drive around to look at a couple and go to Target. I hope the rain stays away so we can enjoy the days we have off together!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
good morning
I think the "good morning" phrase definitely fits the day/week. I love waking up slowly. I love not having to rush to get ready for work in 18 minutes because I ignored all of my alarms, not wanting to get out of bed. I love laying in bed for a while with the boy and dog. I love making Josh breakfast and sitting at the table, sipping coffee while he eats. I love having time to clean up the kitchen a bit from dinner the night before. I love having time to sit and blog. I am finding the one thing I love about spring break is the time I have to appreciate everything.
This morning I have started some laundry, washed dishes, drank coffee, and made myself breakfast. I also added a photo a day challenge tab to my blog so I could keep all the photos in the same place. I don't want to make a new page for each month though (if I keep it up), so I'll have to figure that out when the time comes.
Josh has a half day at work (hooray!) and I am meeting him out for lunch around 12:30. We also have yoga P90X to do after lunch and we're going to my mom's for dinner with my family. The picture for today is "someone who makes me happy", so I have a feeling I know who's picture will be popping up :)
Pepper is my companion for the morning. I have to do laundry, shower, dishes, and cleaning until lunch time. It is also nice having time to do these household chores. Happy Wednesday!
This morning I have started some laundry, washed dishes, drank coffee, and made myself breakfast. I also added a photo a day challenge tab to my blog so I could keep all the photos in the same place. I don't want to make a new page for each month though (if I keep it up), so I'll have to figure that out when the time comes.
Josh has a half day at work (hooray!) and I am meeting him out for lunch around 12:30. We also have yoga P90X to do after lunch and we're going to my mom's for dinner with my family. The picture for today is "someone who makes me happy", so I have a feeling I know who's picture will be popping up :)
Pepper is my companion for the morning. I have to do laundry, shower, dishes, and cleaning until lunch time. It is also nice having time to do these household chores. Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
beautiful day
photo a day - day 3: mail
We didn't have anything in the mailbox today, so this is old mail.
Mine is the magazine, Josh's are the less exciting things :)
Today was nice and relaxing with lots of thinking and appreciation for life in general.
First I went to Panera with Skylar, Ivette, and Ivette's little sister Lilly. I got a whole grain bagel and some honey walnut cream cheese. I ate most of it and it hit the spot. Sky got a Chocolate Chip Muffie. She loved every last bite (I stole a bite too).
We went to Target for a while (my favorite store). Eat, Pray, Love was on sale for 7 bucks and I bought it. I love that movie and the book as well, I couldn't pass it up. I also got Skylar and Kylan sunglasses in dollar spot. Sierra tried them on too. I love these kids.
I tuned in the the news at 4:00 this afternoon. One of my coworkers is battling cervical cancer and some of my other coworkers made a youtube video to support her and raise money for her bills. The story was on the news tonight.
Whoever reads this should go to the youtube video below as much as possible and like it! My coworkers want Ellen to see it and get on her show so that she may help my coworker Nicki. She is one of the nicest people I have ever met and I wish there was more I could do to help. I hope the community can come together and help her fight against cervical cancer.
Today was beautiful and I am thankful for everything I have and the people I was able to share it with. Looking forward to another great day tomorrow. For now I am going to snuggle up on the couch and watch Always Sunny, Tosh.O and Key & Peele with Joshua. Comedy Central at it's finest.
Monday, April 2, 2012
day 2: color
While Josh is taking a half day Wednesday, full day Thursday, and has Friday off, he still has two days of work this week. Then we get to spend a tiny spring break together! Since he had to work today, I met him at Cowfish for lunch. They have burgers and sushi. I had never been there before and I've always wanted to try it. I got the lunch special California Roll. We didn't have much time, but I really enjoyed it! The atmosphere was relaxing and the food was pretty, it was perfect for my color picture. I really enjoyed this nice hour I got to spend with the boy to break up the day.
After our yummy lunch and life plan discussions, Josh had to head back to work. I went to my mom's and hung out for bit while we waited for my aunt to come by. We then headed out grocery shopping. First we went to Aldi's, which is so cheap! I told Josh we definitely need to make this a habit. It is hard to get everything you need there, but we could get some essentials at a much better price. Then we swung by Harris Teeter. After shopping, I had a life/money chat with both my parents (dad was home when we got back), then I went back to the condo and have been hanging out with Joshua and Pepper for the evening. Right now we are watching the NCAA championship basketball game. I was pulling for Kansas, but Kentucky is dominating. Either way, Josh wins $90 from different bracket pools, so that's a plus.
I am probably going to head to bed soon. Need sleep for lots of exciting plans this week.
First, 5 Happy Monday things:
- sleeping/staying in bed until 10:00 am (after waking up for about an hour while Josh got ready for work)
- lunch with the boy
- hanging out with my momma
- having time to get on Pinterest (it's the little things)
- no work tomorrow!!! ;)
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Happy April
I like the first days of months. It always signifies a starting point to me. A fresh start to do something new.
I did play an April Fools joke on my mom. She's so gullible, I felt bad afterwards, but it was still funny :)
I did play an April Fools joke on my mom. She's so gullible, I felt bad afterwards, but it was still funny :)
This weekend, we went to the mountain cabin.
We had an Easter Egg hunt.
Sat by the fire pit.
Found a lizard.
Laid in the sun.
Sat in boats.
Since it's April 1st, I wanted to participate in the photo a day challenge this month (Meg, say you're doing it too!) I don't have time to write often, but I do like taking pictures.
day 1: your reflection
My computer is about to die, Josh is already passed out, and Pepper is snuggled up beside me. Tomorrow is my first official day of Spring Break (aka no work!!!) so it's time to go to bed and enjoy the luxury of sleeping in and being lazy tomorrow :)
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