Wednesday, February 29, 2012

one week

wow, I cannot believe it's merely been a week since I last posted. In the scheme of things, a week does not seem so long, however, so much has happened in seven days!

The best way I can think to recap is to list my favorite moments:

  • Florida, in general
  • hanging with my family
  • staying in an awesome hotel room at an amazing resort on Disney property
  • seeing Florida friends (hi Vanessa! :) )
  • bon fires
  • sunsets over the water
  • running 13.1 miles
  • running 13.1 miles in 2 hours and 20 minutes, shaving off 9 minutes from last year
  • hot tubs
  • relaxation and fun
  • pretty weather
  • brunch with my favorite people at a cute, delicious restaurant 
  • an awesome gift that I cannot wait to hang up
  • smiles
  • planning and dreaming

I had an amazing time in Florida and never wanted to leave. Thanks to an accident, it took us 10 hours to get home instead of 8, but I was okay with that. I oddly like being on the road, stopping for food, chatting with Josh, listening to music, playing games. It's all very comforting to me in a weird way. Plus, it is something different aside from reality.

Reality this past week has been the complete opposite of my perfect weekend. Awful news on Friday at the end of the work day about a coworker, paired with an awful letter Tuesday morning from our neighborhood (essentially, we're being bullied by our neighbors who are making up lies about us) has made reality smack me in the face a little harder than I would like.

I want to do a picture recap to remember all the amazing-ness that was this past weekend, but for now I will leave with 2 of my favorite pictures because I have school work to do and a grocery list to make. Happy to be back on my little corner of blog world!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fat Tuesday part 2

Today was hard to get back into the grind after 2 teacher workdays, but it wasn't too bad. We have to turn in progress reports tomorrow, so I had some assessing to do and more to finish tomorrow. In planning we talked about Dr. Seuss week next week - so excited! I also got a sub lined up and finalized everything for my trip to Florida this weekend - all that's left is sub plans. Two more days!!

Yesterday evening, I ran about 4 and a half miles. While I was running, Josh went out and used a gift card I had to Chili's to get a Fat Tuesday meal. We did this deal of a dinner for 2 for $20. It was a TON of food. I wanted chips and fries before I went Eat to Live, and I was granted both.

We still have half that bag of chips left and I am sooo sad I cannot have any. Chili's chips are my favorite! However, this is the whole point of Lent!

I got a quesadilla explosion salad. The salad/dressing were delicious, however the quesadillas weren't really the best I've had. I probably would have finished them if I liked them, even though I was stuffed. I ate all of my salad, 2 quesadillas, a bunch of chips and half of my little serving of fries. I couldn't fit anymore food into my body! While we ate, we watched Workaholics. Hilarious show.

For my Lent Challenge, I am going to follow Eat to Live under my control. Today I had a banana oat bar for breakfast, a salad, carrots, and hummus for lunch, strawberries as a snack, and veggies for dinner. However, for example, If I am in Florida this weekend and have no other choice, I will eat what is available. If I cannot eat this way under certain circumstances, it will be okay. The choices I am able to make will be Eat to Live!

We went to my mom's for dinner tonight. I had 2 different types of salad and some oven roasted veggies. It was tasty! I keep forgetting to take pictures over there. Mom also made some cheesy bread for those non-vegans. Josh really enjoyed this. However, the poor guy is feeling awful. He went straight to bed at 8:00 when we got home. Hopefully he'll feel better in the morning.

I'm actually pretty tired myself. I have 2 jam packed days ahead of me and then it's off the Florida. Tomorrow is supposed to be 75 degrees here, so I may go straight from school to the Y and run around the outside track for about 4 miles. Then I may do more on the treadmill at home afterwards. Friday, I want to run a short 3 miles after school before we hit the road.

Even though 13.1 miles will be grueling, it is worth it to help out this little cutie pie :)


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fat Tuesday

Today's teacher workday was nice. I found the training to be very helpful and interesting this morning. Then I went to lunch with a huge group of my coworkers (13 of us) and we really put Fat Tuesday to meaning! I ate a ton of peanuts and ordered a Boardwalk Salad (we went to Boardwalk Billy's), not realizing it was a side salad. Good thing I filled up on peanuts! Plus, it was cheap and was the perfect portion. There were lots of yummy appetizers being shared, but I didn't want to spend any more money. I did get to talk to some of my coworkers I hardly ever see so that was nice! It was definitely a lot of fun. I am lucky to have so many nice, fun, young coworkers at my job.

After our long lunch, I got back to school and worked all afternoon cleaning, preparing things, and making a to-do list for home (go figure). I also asked my principal for Monday off for the race and she said yes! That is a lot less stress for me during the weekend and I can have a day for my legs to recover. She even said I could take a sick day. Today really has been great!

Josh texted me and asked me what we should do for dinner on our "Fat Tuesday" and since it's my last day before hard core Eat to Live. I cannot think of anything! He's getting his oil changed after work, so maybe I can convince him to pick up something on his way home, I just need to figure out what. It's funny, all the things I want for dinner at home are already eat to live! Hopefully this transition will be easy.

After school uses my classroom and they were in there at the end of the workday having a Fat Tuesday celebration. They had masks and everything. It was cute. I even got to see some of my kiddies. As I was leaving, they adorned me with beads - I told them it was the most fun I'd have all day :)

I need some new sunglass soon. My cheap-o Walmart aviators are looking goofier than usual :)

Time to work on the oodles of things I have to do: progress reports, laundry, decide dinner, run 4 miles, cut out things to be laminated, finish lesson plans. ah!

Are you doing anything special for Fat Tuesday?

Monday, February 20, 2012

5 Happy Monday Things

This evening, I finished about 10 writing rubrics for my class and worked on my lesson plans. I feel pretty accomplished! While I was working, I snacked on carrots and Roasted Red Pepper Hummus from Sam's. Josh got home and I made him some grilled cheese and I heated up some of my mom's chili (one of the best parts about going to mom's for dinner is when she gives me left overs!) 

I decided not to run again until tomorrow, as my knee has been feeling a little sore today. I took some Ibuprofen and iced it tonight, so hopefully it'll be better tomorrow. I want to run 3 or 4 miles tomorrow, a little more Wednesday and then again either Thursday or Friday (if it is possible to squeeze in a run and shower before we head to Florida).

5 Happy Monday Things
1. Teacher Workday - need I say anymore? And also having another one to look forward to tomorrow!

2. Being productive

3. Starting a recipe page!

4. Playing games on my phone, and beating Josh in Hanging with Friends (this rarely happens, so I was very proud)

5. Saving the best for last: gmail chatting with Meg! We discussed college, The Format (a band I dearly miss), runs, and writing. Highlight of my day!
Lead singer of The Format - we saw him in Chapel Hill my sophomore year. Awesome concert.
Meg and I one night of our sophomore year - oh Meg, I hope you remember this one! ;)
Last blast from the past - Sara, Meg, and I before going out sophomore year 
I started looking through old albums to find these pictures and laughed at some pictures from my college days. I feel so much older now, even though I just graduated 2 years ago. However, the above pictures were taken 4 years prior, so I it really was a long time ago! When did we get so old?

Lent Challenge
I am Catholic and, while I do not regularly attend church now, I did growing up and have always honored Lent. I decided to do a Lent Challenge. I was talking to Josh about it tonight - for 40 days I am going to fully follow "Eat to Live". No meat, processed foods, sweets, etc. I will use the blog to talk about some of my food choices, how I feel, and my progress. I told Josh about a possible "week off", but I'll explain that later and how it ties into my Eat to Live experiment. I think this is a good way to honor Lent because I don't see it as necessarily giving up something, but rather making a conscious effort to do something that is good for my body. One more day to prepare!

Time to get some sleep. I have more Common Core training to sit through, a messy classroom to clean, PEPs, planning, and progress reports. Fun day ahead?

Do you have 5 Happy Monday Things?

Are you giving up anything for Lent?

food, family, and blogs.

This post might be a long one. I'm home from work (teacher workday) and in the mood to write/put off some of the work I need to start getting done for school this evening.

Yesterday afternoon, I decided to have soup for lunch because it was cold and rainy out.

I also made my new favorite corn tortilla chips to go along with it (and Josh wanted them too).

pre-oven tortillas

After lunch, I took some Benadryl for my hives and tried to read a magazine while icing my knees. My eyes slowly began to droop. I laid my head down on Josh's shoulder and almost instantly fell asleep. The next thing I knew, I was waking up lying on the couch and it was just after 4:00. That Benadryl knocked me out! Even after my 11 hours in bed.

After Josh finished watching his basketball game, we headed over to my mom's for dinner with my family. My mom made vegan chili and broccoli cheddar soup (I had a little of both - yesterday was quite the soup day) and found vegan saltine crackers at the health food store. I liked them! I need to find and buy some because I like something crunchy with soup. She also made vegan corn bread. It was all delicious.

Kiddo entertainment:

we act like kids sometimes.

When we left, we went to the grocery store and got some essentials for the week. Then we came home and discovered something I found both horrible, but amusing. While we were gone, Josh left Pepper out in the back room and not in her crate. Well, he forgot he had cleaned in there and left a bag of trash filled with all the trash from the house. Thus, because Pepper was mad we left her, she did this:

At least she pooped on top of all the paper she ripped up and not the carpet? Josh was recently talking about how good she'd been lately, and then this happened. I knew it was too good to be true. I was literally giggling the whole time he was reprimanding her and after she got banished to her crate because I found it comical she could make such a big mess - like something off of a movie (however I probably wouldn't have been laughing if I had to clean it up!) She really gave the true meaning to "female dog" last night.

Blogging Debate
Yesterday, Josh decided to make a blog about the NBA. He's a really good writer and he loves the NBA/basketball, so he put his 2 passions together in blog form. It got me excited to really work on my writing and blog as well (creating more pages for recipes, post topics, etc.) I will post his address when he gets it up and going! In case anyone is interested in the NBA ;)

Josh made his blog through WordPress. I have been toying lately with the idea of buying my own domain for my blog to make it more personal and give a sense of ownership. Plus, the blogs I read all have their own domains, so it just made sense. Josh did some research and said WordPress was the best for this. I made a WordPress account and transfered all my posts to there. I also tried out a million different themes and Josh helped me make a personal banner. However, when I finally closed my computer to go to bed last night, I still didn't like the look of it. I like the look of this blog, but I want one where I can also have freedom to do more things and make it how I want. Josh said he'd help me research this more (I have been reading up on a few things after school) and get it to look how I want. What a guy.

So, for now, I'm going to stick with this one and research all the pros and cons of each. Then I will make a decision and pick the best host for my needs!

Time to go work on writing rubrics, lesson plans, and progress reports. Whoo!

I hope to be back tonight with 5 Happy Monday Things and a Lent Challenge.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

sore legs and hives

My legs are SORE today. Both of my knees hurt. I was going to run tomorrow, but maybe should wait til Tuesday. We will see. I've iced both my knees a bit this morning. I also just took some Ibuprofen, so hopefully that will help. I am hating the stairs in our condo today.

This morning I woke up early, but went back to sleep and woke up again a little after 8. I didn't get out of bed til close to 9, which means I was in bed for almost 12 hour straight (I went up to bed around 9:30 last night). That was okay with me. I don't get much sleep during the week, so I love weekend sleep. I was starving and decided to make oatmeal.

I cooked oats, and added some unsweetened chocolate, 2 packets of splenda, and some frozen blueberries. While I was making my oatmeal, Josh was saying he didn't know what to have. I offered to make him pancakes and he said yes.

I just followed the recipe on the back of the whole wheat mix. Pretty easy! Although my pancakes were a little deformed - I can never get them in a perfect circle like my mom can!

I ate my oatmeal while I cooked the pancakes, but after about half of my oatmeal, I didn't want anymore and made myself a baby pancake with the last of the mix.

I also drank some coffee out of my new heart mug one of my kiddos gave me for Valentine's Day :)

I have woken up with hives the past 3 mornings. Today I found them on my feet. This isn't really uncommon - I get hives at lease once a year, usually with a virus. Thus, since I was sick this week, I figured that is what they were from. I used to get them all the time when I was little. However, the past 2 days they have seemed to go away during the day. I have spent the morning on the couch watching TV and icing my knees, but my legs seemed like they were on fire under my sweat pants. I finally investigated and found my legs were covered in hives. I took some pictures to show my mom, but I know everyone is really interested in how hives look ;)

Don't mind the ugly tile in our bathroom. We ripped up the carpet because of an overflow, and this was underneath and we haven't had the time or money to get new tile. Anyway, hives aren't THAT bad, but they do look gross, they make my skin feel hot, joints irritated (my hands feel really swollen), and they're really itchy. I took Benadryl along with the Ibuprofen and this usually helps. However, I was trying to avoid taking it because it makes me very drowsy and sleepy. I can just foresee myself spending all day on the couch now!

Today we need to get oil changes. Josh went, but it was 2 hour wait at the place he went to, so he left. We may try to go to a Jiffy Lube. Josh is watching the Nicks vs Mavs NBA game - anyone following Jeremy Lin? I like the story of an under dog! Plus all the Lin-isms are pretty funny :) Josh also was REALLY excited when he learned the Magic play the Heat at 3:30. Josh is from Orlando, so the Magic is his favorite team. Last night he bought us tickets to the Magic vs Bobcats game in March. I'm actually really excited about going!

Okay, off to do something productive (or listen to Josh talk about his fantasy basketball league), whatever it may be.

Have a good Sunday!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

my whole body hurts

So last night, I did end up running.

After I ran, I made a salad and Josh had gone to the store to get sushi. I ate some of the sushi as well. It hit the spot. Then we watched the movie Natural Born Killers. Josh loves this movie...I must admit, it was something you don't see everyday. It was crazy, artsy, trippy, violent. I think I liked it because I just found it so interesting and captivating. Don't watch it if you're not in the mood for a very weird movie!

This morning, I woke up and had breakfast with my friend from college. He teaches in China now, but was home visiting for like a month, so it was great to catch up with him. I had half a honey wheat bagel and brought the other half home for Josh.

After breakfast, I came home and got ready for my longest run. This is why my whole body hurts:

I met my sister at the Y track, and ran my little heart out. There were times I felt awesome, and times I felt I wanted to quit. Near the end, my legs were just moving without me even thinking about it. I remember the same types of feelings in my training last year (and race). I wanted to go 10, but my knees were hurting and, because I was sick and haven't run a lot, I figured 9 would be enough, as long as I ran enough throughout this week. I don't wanna push it too much and get hurt (which I did last year and had to run the half marathon with terrible foot pain).

Now that I accomplished this, I am a little more excited for the race next weekend. While I was running towards the end, I was thinking about how hungry I was. I texted Josh on my way home and he responded "subway?" YES PLEASE. We have been wanting to take advantage of the $5 footlong all month. We went to the subway in Walmart, and first walked around a little. After I finally got my sub (a veggie delight with honey mustard on wheat bread), I opened it in the car on the way home and dug in. I needed food after my 9 miles.

After I ate, we laid on the couch and watched the end of Kill Bill and most of the second Kill Bill on TV. I also drank some chocolate milk in my huge "He's Not Here" cup. I have had many reminders of college today - I miss it!

I showered, laid in bed, and watched the Food Network. I finally got up and made some chips out of corn tortillas and a salad. I've been eating the chips with some salsa and hummus and Josh is watching Dave Chapelle stand up. I am so exhausted - I have been so worthless ever since I got home from my run. I could lay down and go to sleep right now. Guess I won't be too exciting on this Saturday night, but the best thing to me sounds like sleep :) Can't wait to sleep in + rest day tomorrow!

Have you done something productive today? I love motivation :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

run, girl's night, and dog training

So happy Friday afternoon has finally arrived! These past 2 days have seemed like forever.

Last night I was proud of myself for getting my run in before Ivette came over.

Luckily, I felt really good. I was kinda struggling towards the end, but felt like I was going at a pretty good pace. I want to to 4 or 5 tonight. I'm thinking I'm gonna do 3, break, then 2 more. I'll probably do it all on the treadmill because I don't want to run outside and aggravate my cold, since it's chilly. Plus, I don't wanna go alone (Josh got off work early, but is asleep cause I don't think he feels well).

After I cooled down, I cut up some corn tortillas and made a few batches of chips. After the first batch, my mom clued me in that she sprays them with some Pam and puts a tiny bit of salt on them. They were delicious! I really just need to make my own chips from now on. We also each had a beer.

We talked for about an hour and a half at my kitchen table, drinking beer and eating the "chips". It was a great way to kick off the weekend! Ivette dog-sat for Pepper a few weeks ago. Pepper loves EVERYONE and goes crazy when someone is here (she almost jumped and hit Ivette's face when she arrived because she was so excited). So, to save us from constant annoyance while we were hanging out, we blocked Pepper out of the kitchen. She was not very happy.

Ivette left because we were both getting tired and had to wake up early. Sometime in between me showering and getting ready for bed, Pepper ran upstairs and pooped in our room. We are really fed up with her doing this - she never goes by the door to show us she has to go out anymore!

Although we were mad, the awkward angle Pepper tried to hide at (right beside the scene of the crime) was hilarious and Josh snapped a picture after he finished cleaning up the mess while we were just staring at her.

We spent a little time googling how to fix Pepper's problem. We decided that from now on, when she does this, we're going to make Pepper watch Josh clean it up, and then take her and it outside to show her where she is supposed to go. Josh is also going to give her a treat every single time he takes her out and she uses the bathroom. Hopefully she'll learn that all she has to do is show us she has to go out. At least this is what I'm hoping. I like Pepper's cuddles but I am not fond of her mischief (she often does these things when she's upset with us!).

Okay, enough gross Pepper talk. I need to get up soon, after my snack has digested, and get my run going so I can relax on my Friday night. I have a feeling I may be going to bed early however. Enjoy the first night of your weekend!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

back to school

Last night Josh was teasing me because he said I reminded him of a little kid who begs their mom to stay home after being sick - "just one more day!"I admit, going back to school after a mini break was hard, especially since I felt somewhat better, but still a little off. It was crazy to me how tired I felt from my sickness. Dealing with the 22 little ones today has made me extra exhausted!

However, it was nice when I got to school and found all of this on my desk:

I feel so loved :)

About half my class gave me hugs and told me how much they missed me while I was gone. They were also so excited to tell me about the Valentines they left for me. Even though they were pretty chatty today, at times making it difficult to do my job, that is definitely something I adore about this age group - their unconditional love for you!

I am home now and need to run. I haven't run since Sunday and I have a feeling my body will be weak and tired. I have been very concerned about what this sickness will do to my half marathon. I haven't really done a good run in over a week and missed my long run last weekend. I'm supposed to do a long run this weekend, but I also don't want to do too much and get hurt since my body won't be used to it. I have confidence I will finish the 13 miles, but unfortunately it may not be as fast as we'd wanted. My plan until next weekend is this:
  • Today: 3 miles
  • Tomorrow: 4 miles (5 if I am feeling up to it)
  • Saturday: long run since it is supposed to rain on Sunday - 8-9 miles.
  • Sunday - 2 mile easy jog or a rest day (maybe some yoga)
  • Monday - 5-6 miles
  • Tuesday - rest
  • Wednesday - 6-7 miles
  • Thursday - 5-6 miles
  • Friday - rest (leave for Florida after Josh gets off work!)
I really haven't trained very well for this race, and I know that. I want to do a half marathon where I really train the right way. Josh and I have been looking into some, so I want to push us to sign up for them and stick to a specific training plan - and try not to get sick!

I am going to get ready and run here shortly. I have plans to relax and hang out with my friend Ivette tonight! The weekend is almost here!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

Despite being sick, I had a lovely Valentine's Day. I would have loved to see my kiddies exchange their Valentine's and to get all my goodies, but they'll be waiting for me tomorrow. Last night I got some energy to clean up around the house and begin my night of cooking.

First I prepared the chunk of meat I was making for Josh. It's funny that he loves meat and I do not share the same affinity. While preparing it, I was reminded of why I have become a vegetarian (although I have never liked beef or steak, etc). It just looks so gross! Josh does not feel the same :)

I rubbed the meat with olive oil, garlic, and a tiny bit of salt (thanks mom) and baked it in the oven for about 40 minutes at 350 degrees. We ended up putting it back in the oven for a bit after Josh got home.

pre-oven preparation

Then I made chocolate covered strawberries.
I put a couple squares of chocolate in the microwave for about 1 minutes each square (because we have the oldest microwave ever). Then I swirled the strawberries around the chocolate and put them on the plate. Very easy!

And the final product:

They were as good as they look.

The only problem was that the side of the chocolate on the plate stuck to it after I put them in the refrigerator. I'll have to figure out how to fix this for next time.

Josh finally got home after lots of traffic + stopping to get me Advil Cold and Sinus medicine and these:

I'm a lucky girl.

We waiting for dinner to finish cooking and exchanged "gifts". I got him a picture of us for his desk because he has been asking for one forever. He got me pretzel M&Ms and an awesome running pull over!! I did not know he was going to get me an actual present. I felt lame. Sweetest boy I know.

Then we had dinner. I had vegan broccoli cheddar soup my mom made and gave me, plus a wheat sandwich thin with veggie cheese (heated this up in the microwave). Josh had his meat and green beans.

happy boy
After dinner, Josh let me watch the notebook, and I may have cried a little. That movie gets me every time! I relate it to my life a lot, which is dumb, but true. Josh and I met when I was 15 and somehow a connection between us lingered through time, distance, and different significant others until we finally decided to give it a shot (we also had a "summer romance" when we dated for the one summer he lived in NC when I was 18). Now I couldn't be happier and am so glad we made the decision to act on our feelings because it has been the best decision I have ever made. I have to believe in true love because of it - it was like nothing else mattered when he was around.

Okay, enough of the sappy stuff. As much as I am trying to pretend I don't have to get up and go to work tomorrow after my 2 day mini rest break, I need to get a few things ready for the day.

sick day 2

I am staying home from work again today. Yesterday afternoon, I had a terrible headache and sinus pressure and knew if I didn't feel 100% then, I probably wouldn't feel ready to dive back in with the kids today. I got the same substitute as yesterday. I went to be early and got a good night's sleep. Then I woke up at 6am to finish sub plans, Josh got up for work, and I fell back asleep til 10 after he left. All this sleeping has definitely helped. After I woke up, I made a cup of my new favorite tea (one of my students gave me a box of it during Teacher Appreciation last year), which I think I will continue drinking the rest of the week because it has vitamin C.

I also had a bowl of brown maple oatmeal. It was some 100 calorie no sugar added pack that we had in the cabinet. It probably isn't "eat to live", but it was quick and easy, and I was ready for some food.

Then I spent the rest of the morning resting in bed, and had the best snuggle buddy.

Sometimes I'm well behaved and cute.

sleepy eyes
I pretty much took lots of pictures of Pepper to entertain myself, and talked to Vanessa via text about dreams and the future. I feel like there's so much I want to do, I just need to figure out how to do it. I am a big believer in that you only life once, so you might as well make the most out of it. I guess I haven't really had a day all to myself to sit and ponder things like this. That being said, I need to go do some things for school to prepare myself to get back to it tomorrow. I'll be back later with a Valentine's recap!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

sick day

I didn't blog yesterday because after I came home from work, I crawled into bed, woke up when Josh got home, made it from the bed to the couch to type sub plans (which took me about an hour and a half - I may be too detailed, but that's a good thing right?), and then back to bed for the night.

I thought I was better after a weekend of resting (well, a weekend without 22 kids and being on the move for 7 hours straight), as I even ran on Sunday. But I woke up yesterday morning feeling crappy again. Headache, sinus pressure, fading voice, stuffed up nose, etc. All my coworkers told me I needed to stay home and rest - my principal even told me to get a sub for today when she saw me. I didn't argue with that. Last year I told myself that I could power through a little cold, but then that cold turned into fever, and then into pneumonia, so I have learned my lesson about resting and taking care of myself when I'm sick.

I stayed in bed til about 9:30 this morning when mom arrived with some things for me, including 2 boxes of tissues, the Neti Pot, and smiles from baby Sierra :)

I stayed up and made some tea in my favorite mug (thanks Ivette!)

Then I made some chocloate-y oatmeal because I thought this was fitting for Valentine's Day. I can have a little chocolate, even if I am miserable.

I cooked raw oats with water, then added 2 packets of splenda, a dash of cinnamon, and a dash of unsweetened chocolate powder. It was good!

The Neti Pot is strange (Josh refuses to ever use it), but I love it. It really clears your sinuses. If only it would make my headache go away.

I have been laying on the couch and browsing numerous websites and playing games on my phone. I want to get up and start getting some things done before tonight. I had big plans to clean up the house and make a nice dinner for Josh and I. I'm making him some meat my mom gave me that she had frozen. I'll probably have some soup. I need to finish some laundry, clean off the dining room table (because I'd like to actually eat there for once), and tidy up the rest of the house. I also need to work on finishing Josh's present (which entails printing a picture). After dinner, I think we're going to watch The Notebook! Cliche, but I haven't seen that movie in forever and I really love it. Regardless, we'll pick out some movie to lay on the couch and watch.

I'm gonna see if I can get this headache to go away/nap a little more, and then work on these things before Josh comes home tonight. I am going to attempt making chocolate covered strawberries as well! Hope your Valentine's has been filled with lots of hugs, chocolate, and love.