Sunday, February 5, 2012

over already?

Well, the weekend at the cabin just flew by. We arrived home around 2:30 and I'm so sad. The rest of my family stayed up at the cabin and are coming back before work tomorrow, but Josh and I just didn't want to risk it (like car trouble on the way home - it would be impossible for me to get a substitute in that short amount of time), nor did we want to wake up at the crack of dawn to drive 2 hours straight to our works. I wish the real world didn't exist and I could stay up there forever. Josh and I talked about how we would love to move up there in the next year or two.
view eating breakfast this morning

Yesterday, the weather was dreary, but it was still nice. I woke up and helped Skylar with writing in her journal thing for school and hung out with the kiddies. Sky and I finally woke Josh up around 10:30 and we went with Sky and Mom to run errands. We got party decor at the Dollar Tree and went to Ingles for some groceries. Mom found this soy ice cream that was really good! It was mocha flavor. I'm going to be on the search for it when we go to the grocery store. Skylar demanded McDonalds (as any 5 year old would upon seeing one) and Josh also got food. Sky gave me her apples from her Happy Meal. I learned they serve apples and a teeny tiny box of fries with Happy Meals these days.

A blurry, happy Skylar with Happy Meal and birthday items in tow

After we got back, we had some lunch (I had pita chips and hummus + some of Josh's fries) and decorated the cabin. Then my aunt, cousin, and Gramps arrived (they live in Boone). Me, Josh, Laura (sister) and Ali (cousin) played the card game Phase 10 for like 2 hours, and watched UNC basketball win against Maryland. We drank, ate, and were merry all night long.
While we were out, we got Kylan a Buzz Lightyear washcloth that was in a square and expanded when you put it in water - we told the kids it was a magic towel and they stared at it the whole time asking when the magic was going to happen.

I fell asleep on the couch a little after 9:30 while Josh, dad, my other sis and her hubby started playing poker. Josh woke me up around midnight and had won $13! We went down to bed. I laid awake for a bit, but soon fell asleep. I woke up early this morning and ate breakfast, hung out with the kids, and sat outside on the deck porch swing.

I didn't get a chance to run in the mountains because of the weather and it isn't much better here. Plus, Josh has a headache and doesn't want to run, thus I'm having trouble motivating myself to get out and run alone. I am thinking of doing a treadmill run of a long-ish distance and run a couple miles again tomorrow, then take a rest day Tuesday. We did dishes when we got home and started some laundry. We also need to go to the grocery store, I need to get some facial lotion to get rid of this irritation/redness/windburn and I have a few things to get done for school tomorrow. Be back during the big football game I hope!

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