Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fat Tuesday

Today's teacher workday was nice. I found the training to be very helpful and interesting this morning. Then I went to lunch with a huge group of my coworkers (13 of us) and we really put Fat Tuesday to meaning! I ate a ton of peanuts and ordered a Boardwalk Salad (we went to Boardwalk Billy's), not realizing it was a side salad. Good thing I filled up on peanuts! Plus, it was cheap and was the perfect portion. There were lots of yummy appetizers being shared, but I didn't want to spend any more money. I did get to talk to some of my coworkers I hardly ever see so that was nice! It was definitely a lot of fun. I am lucky to have so many nice, fun, young coworkers at my job.

After our long lunch, I got back to school and worked all afternoon cleaning, preparing things, and making a to-do list for home (go figure). I also asked my principal for Monday off for the race and she said yes! That is a lot less stress for me during the weekend and I can have a day for my legs to recover. She even said I could take a sick day. Today really has been great!

Josh texted me and asked me what we should do for dinner on our "Fat Tuesday" and since it's my last day before hard core Eat to Live. I cannot think of anything! He's getting his oil changed after work, so maybe I can convince him to pick up something on his way home, I just need to figure out what. It's funny, all the things I want for dinner at home are already eat to live! Hopefully this transition will be easy.

After school uses my classroom and they were in there at the end of the workday having a Fat Tuesday celebration. They had masks and everything. It was cute. I even got to see some of my kiddies. As I was leaving, they adorned me with beads - I told them it was the most fun I'd have all day :)

I need some new sunglass soon. My cheap-o Walmart aviators are looking goofier than usual :)

Time to work on the oodles of things I have to do: progress reports, laundry, decide dinner, run 4 miles, cut out things to be laminated, finish lesson plans. ah!

Are you doing anything special for Fat Tuesday?

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