Monday, February 20, 2012

5 Happy Monday Things

This evening, I finished about 10 writing rubrics for my class and worked on my lesson plans. I feel pretty accomplished! While I was working, I snacked on carrots and Roasted Red Pepper Hummus from Sam's. Josh got home and I made him some grilled cheese and I heated up some of my mom's chili (one of the best parts about going to mom's for dinner is when she gives me left overs!) 

I decided not to run again until tomorrow, as my knee has been feeling a little sore today. I took some Ibuprofen and iced it tonight, so hopefully it'll be better tomorrow. I want to run 3 or 4 miles tomorrow, a little more Wednesday and then again either Thursday or Friday (if it is possible to squeeze in a run and shower before we head to Florida).

5 Happy Monday Things
1. Teacher Workday - need I say anymore? And also having another one to look forward to tomorrow!

2. Being productive

3. Starting a recipe page!

4. Playing games on my phone, and beating Josh in Hanging with Friends (this rarely happens, so I was very proud)

5. Saving the best for last: gmail chatting with Meg! We discussed college, The Format (a band I dearly miss), runs, and writing. Highlight of my day!
Lead singer of The Format - we saw him in Chapel Hill my sophomore year. Awesome concert.
Meg and I one night of our sophomore year - oh Meg, I hope you remember this one! ;)
Last blast from the past - Sara, Meg, and I before going out sophomore year 
I started looking through old albums to find these pictures and laughed at some pictures from my college days. I feel so much older now, even though I just graduated 2 years ago. However, the above pictures were taken 4 years prior, so I it really was a long time ago! When did we get so old?

Lent Challenge
I am Catholic and, while I do not regularly attend church now, I did growing up and have always honored Lent. I decided to do a Lent Challenge. I was talking to Josh about it tonight - for 40 days I am going to fully follow "Eat to Live". No meat, processed foods, sweets, etc. I will use the blog to talk about some of my food choices, how I feel, and my progress. I told Josh about a possible "week off", but I'll explain that later and how it ties into my Eat to Live experiment. I think this is a good way to honor Lent because I don't see it as necessarily giving up something, but rather making a conscious effort to do something that is good for my body. One more day to prepare!

Time to get some sleep. I have more Common Core training to sit through, a messy classroom to clean, PEPs, planning, and progress reports. Fun day ahead?

Do you have 5 Happy Monday Things?

Are you giving up anything for Lent?

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