Tuesday, April 3, 2012

beautiful day

photo a day - day 3: mail
We didn't have anything in the mailbox today, so this is old mail. 
Mine is the magazine, Josh's are the less exciting things :)

Today was nice and relaxing with lots of thinking and appreciation for life in general.

First I went to Panera with Skylar, Ivette, and Ivette's little sister Lilly. I got a whole grain bagel and some honey walnut cream cheese. I ate most of it and it hit the spot. Sky got a Chocolate Chip Muffie. She loved every last bite (I stole a bite too).

We went to Target for a while (my favorite store). Eat, Pray, Love was on sale for 7 bucks and I bought it. I love that movie and the book as well, I couldn't pass it up. I also got Skylar and Kylan sunglasses in dollar spot. Sierra tried them on too. I love these kids.

I tuned in the the news at 4:00 this afternoon. One of my coworkers is battling cervical cancer and some of my other coworkers made a youtube video to support her and raise money for her bills. The story was on the news tonight.

Whoever reads this should go to the youtube video below as much as possible and like it! My coworkers want Ellen to see it and get on her show so that she may help my coworker Nicki. She is one of the nicest people I have ever met and I wish there was more I could do to help. I hope the community can come together and help her fight against cervical cancer.

Today was beautiful and I am thankful for everything I have and the people I was able to share it with. Looking forward to another great day tomorrow. For now I am going to snuggle up on the couch and watch Always Sunny, Tosh.O and Key & Peele with Joshua. Comedy Central at it's finest.

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